Monday, October 3, 2016

Week 6

Week 6

What I have learned about myself from the Ideology Inventory quiz is that I fall under the Resiliency and Prevention youth worker. I am a strong believer in the idea that if youths receive early positive intervention in their lives, they will be less likely to go down the wrong path. Sometimes all they need is a positive and influential role model that they might lack at home to help them to explore their imagination and motivate them to do better in their developmental years.
According to my Youth Development Ideology Horoscope, we can prevent the negative outcome through fostering protective factors such as intervention programs. Preventing comes from finding the programs, guides, and activities to get the youth involved in, especially after school, to prevent them from having too much free time on their hand. The youths from a low income or working class family especially need help, as they have parents who spend most of the time working. The parents do not have a lot of time to spend with the youth, which leads them to get involved with outsiders that most likely will take them to the wrong direction.


  1. Swelia,

    I agree with you when you mentioned about the positive intervention. Especially youth now a days if there is a lot of negativity around them and they see something that isn't right they end up being influenced and going down the wrong path. That intervention would be a good start to help out the youth.

    Nice Job :)

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